Cmde Ranjit B Rai

From WW-II to Covid: Indian Navy’s Enhancing Role

The Indian Navy has a fine lineage. Established by the British in 1939 as the Royal Indian Navy (RIN), it rapidly expanded to take part in glorious feats in the Second World War in...

India Has Joined Quad But Must Augment Its Navy On Priority

In March 2015, Prime Minister Narendra Modi enunciated India’s maritime policy as, “We seek a future for the Indian Ocean that lives up to the name of ‘SAGAR’ — Security and Growth for All...

Fund Shortage: Indian Navy Faces Hobson’s choice between Third Aircraft Carrier and SSNs

  Following the incursion by China’s PLA into Ladakh in early 2020, India’s economic resources will be stretched to revive country’s economy after the deleterious effects of the Covid pandemic. India’s budget on February 1...

Third Aircraft Carrier: Defence Budget Maritime Imperative Demands Prioritised Revival

  Viceroy of India Admiral Lord Louis Mountbatten, former Supreme Commander of South East Asia Command (SEAC, 1943-46) and Governor General of India (1947-48), always lauded the Indian Armed Forces for its pivotal contribution in...

Indian Navy’s SSN Strategic Programme Moves Ahead in Tandem with Time?

The historical progression of submarines in the world has traversed from conventionally propelled diesel electric boats, which run underwater on batteries and need to surface (for air) for charging batteries, to the era of...

INS Nilgiri to Nilgiri: The Saga of Modern Day Warships Building and Technology

  This is the story of a path setting ship of Indian Navy and all round operational performance of the 3,000 tonne modern Leander Frigate INS Nilgiri (F33). Indian Navy selected the proven Leander design...

P-8I: A Boost to Maritime Domain Awareness

  Indian Navy celebrates Navy Day on December 4 every year. It commemorates that night in 1971 when three Osa class missile boats nick named Killers struck Karachi in Op Trident in the opening bell...

Indian Naval Aviation to Play Critical Role in Ensuring Maritime Security, Economic Success

    BEFORE INDEPENDENCE in 1947, India’s Navy was preferentially treated by the Royal Navy as its daughter Navy called the Royal Indian Navy (RIN) till 1950 when it became the Indian Navy with a Directorate...

EUROSATORY-2018: With emphasis on Modern Technologies

  Paris. The world’s total military expenditure has been rising steadily with no peace dividend in sight, and rose to $1.739 trillion in 2017, according to figures from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). This...

From a Buyer’s Navy to Builder’s Navy: Indian Navy’s Transformation Towards Self-reliance

Over the years, with planning for the future and in step by step approach and with help from civil industry and shipyards invariably under Naval Admirals and staff, the Indian Navy (IN) has transformed...

Indian Ocean Region : Challenges and India’s Role for Maritime Security in the Region

INDIA’S PENINSULA juts in to the Indian Ocean like a sword, in to the confluence of the waters that lead to the icy Antartica from the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea from...

India’s Shipbuilding and Submarine Programmes : The Make in India Journey Through Self Reliance

“We cannot afford to be weak at sea. History has shown that whoever controls the Indian Ocean has, in the first instance, India’s sea-borne trade at her mercy and, in the second, India’s very...