President Putin

Is Machine Supremacy Approaching Faster Than Expected?

  Incredibly Unbelievable: Last week in St Petersburg, when Putin ‘the interviewer’ appeared on a life-size screen in the hall and asked Putin ‘the Guest’ about his thoughts on Artificial Intelligence (AI), the audiences were seen...

Roots of the Strife

Russia initiated a “special military operation” against Ukraine in February 2022, citing multiple reasons to justify its aggression. While the longstanding disputes over the expansion of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the...

IAF and the ‘Era of No War’

On 8th October 2023, the Indian Air Force completes 91 years of glorious service in defending the territorial integrity of India. The IAF, along with the Indian Army and the Indian Navy, make the...

India’s Dependence on Russia Must End

The Ukraine-Russia war may well be a watershed in international relations signalling the emergence of new paradigms and alignments in the world. Putin’s cold-blooded pursuit of aggression as a means of achieving political ends...

Deciphering India’s Stand in the Russo-Ukraine War

  On February 24, 2022, after weeks of playing guessing games with the world’s imagination, and Ukraine’s speculations, Moscow let loose its firepower against Ukraine. The “he will – he wouldn’t” assumptions amongst the arm-chair...

Is Antonio Guterres America’s puppet?

  On April 26, 2022, India took a position opposing the adoption of the resolution on standing mandate for the General Assembly (GA) meeting in case of use of ‘veto’ by the UNGA. The resolution text...

After the Ukraine War, there will be a Multipolar World

  WAR SCAN: Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has led to the most important clash in decades between Moscow and the West. Russia began its invasion on February 24 thinking of creating shock and awe with its...

Strategic Autonomy Must Include Economic Autonomy

  India has effectively conveyed to the West that it will continue to adopt strategic autonomy including in terms of security. The US has grudgingly understood this and scholars of American think tanks are acknowledging...

Spectre of US CAATSA Clouds Modi – Putin Informal Summit

    Sochi, Russia. The US "Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act" (CAATSA) signed into law by President Donald Trump in August 2017 to punish the Kremlin was probably the main issue at the first ever...

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