Is Antonio Guterres America’s puppet?

The resolution for a standing mandate in the UN General Assembly in case of use of ‘veto’ is clearly another attempt by the US to wage war on Russia by another means

By Lt Gen Prakash Katoch


On April 26, 2022, India took a position opposing the adoption of the resolution on standing mandate for the General Assembly (GA) meeting in case of use of ‘veto’ by the UNGA.


The resolution text titled “Standing mandate for a General Assembly debate when a veto is cast in the Security Council” clearly is an attempt against Russia’s use of veto.

The draft was co-sponsored by some nations including the US and the UK, according to which, at any time one of the P-5 (China, France, Russia, US and UK) use their veto, it will require a meeting of the GA, where all UN members will be able to voice their views on the veto.

Said R Ravindra, India’s deputy permanent representative to the UN: “We regret the lack of inclusivity in the manner this resolution was put forth. We have serious concerns about such ‘take it or leave it’ initiatives which do not make a genuine effort to take into account the perspectives and concerns of the wider membership.”

Ravindra added that there are already existing mechanisms enabling UNGA members to convene discussion on an emergency basis and there is no need to “add automatic invocation of another mechanism by rewriting the existing rules”.

big bang
Washington is obviously behind the instant resolution because Russia vetoed the US-sponsored resolution condemning Russian actions in Ukraine

The official termed it ironical that the same set of UNGA members who argue vociferously against ‘piecemeal reforms’ were themselves supporting piecemeal initiatives.

In September 2020, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres had said that he will continue “a serious dialogue” with UN member states for a comprehensive reform of the UNSC.


Washington is obviously behind the instant resolution because Russia vetoed the US-sponsored resolution condemning Russian actions in Ukraine.

It is no secret that US is using Ukraine to wage war on Russia. Not only was the NATO expansion enhancing the existential threat to Russia, after the humiliation in Afghanistan, the POTUS Joe Biden (or forces who control him) had decided to destabilize Ukraine.

It has emerged that CEOs of major US weapon manufacturing firms were talking of financial bonanza with instability coming in Europe much before Russia launched special operations in Ukraine.

Despite the overt bravado, it is difficult for the US-NATO to hide their frustrations. Russia has captured Mariupol and hundreds of western regulars and mercenaries are trapped in the underground tunnels below the Azovstal Plant industrial complex which reportedly also has a secret NATO facility and a bio-lab.

It has emerged that CEOs of major US weapon manufacturing firms were talking of financial bonanza with instability coming in Europe

Russia has invested in the Donbas region and has outflanked Ukrainian troops pitted against it in a huge north-south pincer. Over 2,000 plus western mercenaries have been killed and the weapons and equipment being pumped into Ukraine by the US and allies are being systematically targeted.

Russian President Vladmir Putin has said all Russian objectives in Ukraine will be achieved and if someone intervenes in the situation in Ukraine, “Our retaliatory strikes will be lightning fast. We have all the tools for this. The kind, that no one else can boast of right now. And we won’t brag. We will use them if needed. And I want everyone to know about it—we have made all the decisions on this matter.”

Putin’s statement has singed tails in the West. Many are tweeting as to why Putin is putting out such statements when the US has not attacked Russia (sic). British Deputy Defence Minister James Heappey told BBC: “It is completely legitimate for Ukraine to be targeting in Russia’s depth in order to disrupt the logistics.”

Heappey apparently has no idea what Russia will do in such an eventuality. The fact is that the US-UK are enjoying the Ukrainians being killed, aside from Russians, while US makes money out of the war and Europe, already suffering high inflation, stares at a looming recession.

The fact is that the US-UK are enjoying the Ukrainians being killed, aside from Russians, while US makes money out of the war

Washington is upset more because Russia is achieving what it wants despite western sanctions and economic terrorism which also affects rest of the world. The much-hyped embargo on Russian energy has not worked and already five European countries are paying Russia in Rubles.

The Biden administration is making political mileage over Ukrainian refugees albeit dumping almost all in Europe. Angela Merkel embraced Syrian refugees to win successive terms as German Chancellor but a recent BBC investigation states that thousands of German nationals have migrated to Paraguay over last 12 months being uncomfortable with the  immigrants at home ( The media report says Britain would a face similar situation in future.

The US is determined to supply Ukraine with more long range weapons—‘Ghost’ drones and what not. But the call for regime change in Moscow stands diluted to “weakening the Russian forces”. The US is to supply MQ-9 ‘Reaper’ drones to Ukraine since the Turkish ‘Bayraktar’ TB2 drone has not proved effective. But the October 2021 edition of America’s Defense News said the MQ-9 ‘Reaper’ “is too slow-moving and will not be able to work in a confrontation with a well-equipped enemy”.

US is to supply MQ-9 ‘Reaper’ drones to Ukraine since the Turkish ‘Bayraktar’ TB2 drone has not proved effective

Air defence experts said the ‘Reaper’ in Ukraine will become an excellent air target. In size, it approaches the plane, but does not differ in at least some maneuverability. Being also very vulnerable to electronic warfare, the ‘Reaper’ will become a very expensive and almost useless toy in the hands of the untrained Ukrainian military. This should also be noted by India which has acquired the ‘Sea Guardian’ version of the MQ9 ‘Reaper’.

Guterres is discussing possibilities of diffusing the situation in Ukraine with Putin and Zelensky. But the US is bent upon prolonging the conflict at the cost of the Ukrainian public. Why did Guterres not discuss this with the US-NATO before proceeding on this mission? To harp on the western view that Russia must withdraw from the Donbas and Mariupol despite the Ukrainian genocide in these regions over the past eight years and Pentagon-sponsored bio-weapon experiments on humans, is naïve.

The US wants Putin to be declared a war criminal. Perhaps another draft resolution to this affect will be introduced, which will be vetoed by Russia, and then brought up for discussion on an emergent basis under the resolution passed on April 26, 2022.

Notably, Gutteres also willfully allowed Russia to be blamed for the Bucha massacre on ‘unsubstantiated charges’, whereas all indications are that this was the handiwork of the Azov battalion (trained by CIA and MI6) in conjunction western mercenaries—against hapless civilians who refused to take up arms.

The ‘Reaper’ will become a very expensive and almost useless toy in the hands of the untrained Ukrainian military

A member of the Portuguese Socialist Party, Guterres, served as Prime Minister of Portugal from 1995 to 2002. Portugal is a founding member of NATO and a member country of the EU since January 1, 1986. He was elected UN Secretary-General in October 2016, becoming the first European to hold this office since Kurt Waldheim in 1981. On June 18, 2021, he was appointed UN Secretary-General for a second term. Was this engineered by the West in conjunction with the war with Russia in Ukraine?

Has Antonio Gutteres been bought over by the US, the same way that Beijing bought over Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO)? The answer is yes.

When Russia charged the US of conducting bio-chemical experiments in Ukraine at the UN with proof, to the more than visible discomfort of the US representative, instead of looking at the evidence and saying it requires an impartial international probe, Gutteres stood up and said: “The UN has no right to investigate this matter. Have you understood?” Tedros chipped in to say that Ukraine should destroy “civilian” biochemical facilities to prevent leakage; but these are bio-labs funded and overseen by the Pentagon to research, develop and store dangerous pathogens since 2005.

These are sad times for the UN, not for Gutteres and Tedros, because once the conscience is killed it does not matter anymore.


-The author is a veteran of the Indian Army. Views expressed are personal.