Fast Patrol Vessels (FPVs)

GSL Launches Two Indigenous Fast Patrol Vessels for the Indian Coast Guard

New Delhi / Panjim: India’s premier DPSU shipyard, Goa Shipyard Limited (GSL) on October 28 launched two indigenous fast patrol vessels built for the Indian Coast Guard for protecting offshore assets, island territories and...

Marking Milestones: Keel Laid for Four Coast Guard FPVs, GSL Integrated Stores Complex Inaugurated by Defence Secretary

Panaji, Goa: Laying the keel of four Coast Guard Fast Patrol Vessels (FPVs) and the inaugurating the GSL Integrated Stores Complex at Goa Shipyard Limited on August 25, Defence Secretary Giridhar Aramane lauded Goa Shipyard...

Made in India Fast Patrol Vessels Patrolling Indian Coastline

New Delhi: As a move to tighten coastal security and prevent repetition of 26/11 type attacks from the sea, several measures have been put in place by various agencies including the Indian Navy,...

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