Cold War

Intervention – The Only Resort

Secularism, a Western import essentially means the state to be irreligious or in the French sense of laicite – to be strictly irreligious. It was an invention of the Italian diplomat and philosopher Niccolo...

US-India Need to Recommit to Enduring Domestic Reform, Multilateral Trade Governance: Report

The report US-India Economic Ties: To the Next Level and Beyond, released on October 8, 2024, prepared jointly by Washington-based Hudson Institute and New Delhi-based Takshashila Institute says that over the last 20 years,...

India Needs to Prioritise Inclusivity

Introduction: With a vast population, rich cultural heritage, and growing economy, India is at the doorstep of becoming a major global power. However, the true measure of its worldwide influence will depend on its...

50th Anniversary of Operation Smiling Buddha – A Landmark in Indian History

On May 18, 1974, at 8.05 AM IST India successfully carried out its first nuclear test codenamed "Operation Smiling Buddha" at the Pokhran Test Range in Rajasthan. This operation was a significant milestone in...

Exploitation of Nuclear Weapons During the Russia-Ukraine War

On May 9th, 2024 Victory Day, Russian President Vladimir Putin issued a warning in a speech in Moscow’s Red Square before thousands of soldiers, saying that his country would not accept any threats from...

The Great Ideological Divide

Ideology, it seems, never went away from the ideational landscape of the world. It ebbed for a few decades after the cold war but now it seems it is back and with a vengeance....

Global Peace is a Chimera, Hard Reality is the Mindless Arms Race

The history of arms races spans across centuries and has occurred in various forms, from naval competitions to the development of advanced weaponry. A notable period was the naval arms race between Britain and...

Expanding Frontiers of War

The concept of warfare is continuously evolving and becoming broader and more complex, encompassing various elements beyond the traditional state-versus-state conflicts. War is no longer solely defined as conventional warfare between states; it now...

New Hub for NATO Jets: Remodelled Soviet-Era Air Base Opened by Albania  

Rome: Albania reopened a refurbished Soviet-era air base on March 4, 2024 which will host NATO jets as fears grow in the Balkans over creeping Russian influence. Italian Eurofighters and US F-16s and F-35s...

The World in Conflict: Consequences of War

There has been massive turbulence in geopolitics across the globe. The year 2023 will be remembered as a ‘watershed’ in which conflicts emerged in various parts of the universe, posing a considerable challenge to...

China On Yet Another Collision Course

The Dispute: On December 10 last year, China’s coast guard ship collided with a naval boat of the Philippines sailing on a resupply mission to the Second Thomas Shoal in the Spratly Islands. The Philippines said China...

Netherlands Considers Creating Tank Battalion, Requires Additional Funding for the Initiative

Paris: The Netherlands is considering recreating its own tank battalion amid Russia’s war in Ukraine, though there’s currently no funding for the initiative, according to parliamentary documents. The current defence budget doesn’t cover the costs...

Roots of the Strife

Russia initiated a “special military operation” against Ukraine in February 2022, citing multiple reasons to justify its aggression. While the longstanding disputes over the expansion of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the...

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