
IAF Gets Boost with Second “Netra” AEW and CS

New Delhi: India’s air power got a big boost with the Defence Research Development Organisation (DRDO) handing over the second Netra Airborne Early Warning and Control System (AEW&CS) system to the Indian Air Force...

Swarms of Drones Could Target Terrorist Camps

New Delhi. It may sound like science fiction but In a decade from now, swarms of unmanned Indian-made drones entering enemy airspace, flying autonomously to their target and using advanced artificial intelligence algorithms to...

Rebuttal to A Rebuttal of My Rebuttal of The ‘Spice Miss’ Theory at Balakot

Today my day was made. After three weeks I got a response on my blog ( on my views which I had expressed wherein I had proved beyond doubt that The Australian expert was flawed...

Balakot Exposes Pakistan’s Nuke Bluff

EVER since Pakistan conducted the nuclear tests, it has been teasing India with the threat of using the nukes, just as madman would do. The strategic deterrence posture of Pakistan has been based on...

A Rebuttal to Spice Miss Theories at Balakot

  The articles ‘New High Res Satellite Imagery Suggests Balakot Airstrike a ‘Precise Miss’’and ‘Were India’s airstrikes in Pakistan a strategy for public approval’? by a set of researchers from the Australian Strategic Policy Institute...

Cross Roads Beyond Balakot

Dawn - Seventeen years after first banning militant groups, Pakistan is once again at a crossroads. ( If in seventeen years a nation does not know that it took a wrong turn then, the likelihood of taking the...

The long haul after Balakot

PURANA PAKISTAN HANGS PRIME MINISTER NAYA PAKISTAN PROTECTS TERRORISTS AND JAILS PRIME MINISTER! The high-profile aerial exchanges between us and the Deep State are over. Some de-escalation has taken place. The nuclear risk has been pushed back for...

The Post Balakot Review

  Welcome home Wing Commander Abhinanadan. Well done. You flew into the Valley of Death and survived. India is proud. Sincere condolences to Air Marshal Waseem Ud Din on the loss of his son Shahaz Ud Din...

The Balakot Fallout- An Analysis

Well begun is half done. One emotion which integrates all Pakistanis is hatred for India. Pakistani Army practices exhibition of rationality-irrationality. That is on display. The other half won’t be easy to sort out Rubicon Crossed India crossed a Rubicon...

India Carries Out Non-military Pre-emptive Strike Against JeM Camp in Pakistan

  NEW DELHI. India has said that a non-military pre-emptive strike, specifically targeted at the Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) camp in Balakot, Pakistan, was conducted by the Indian Air Force early Tuesday morning after credible intelligence was...

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