Two Nuclear-Capable Ballistic Missiles Likely to be Test-Fired by India Next Week


New Delhi: Carrying out the next phase of tests for two nuclear-capable ballistic missiles including a submarine-launched one, India will soon test fire the missiles. According to defence sources, between 11 and 16 March the missile firing are likely to be conducted. The final launch will depend on several factors, including weather conditions.


The K4 submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) and the land-based Agni-V long-range, surface-to-surface ballistic, nuclear-capable missile are to be tested.

A Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) in this regard over the Bay of Bengal in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR) have been issued by the authorities, which means that flying objects cannot be allowed here. The length of the no-fly zone over the Bay of Bengal is 3,550 kilometres. While the strike range of the K4 SLBM is 3,500 km, the strike range of the land-based Agni-V is more than 5,000 kilometres.

The first test for the K4 missile was undertaken in 2020 from an undersea platform on the east coast. The K4 missile will be fitted with Arihant-class submarines. The K4 is the most potent missile in India’s inventory that can be fired from a submarine, giving the country unprecedented second-strike capability and a huge deterrence power.