Russia, India, China to Strengthen Cooperation through BRICS, SCO and EAS Mechanisms

Foreign Affairs

Buenos Aires. Russia, India and China have agreed to strengthen cooperation through the three mechanisms of regional blocs of BRICS, SCO and EAS.


This was agreed upon during a trilateral meeting among Prime Minister Narendra Modi, President Vladimir V Putin of Russian Federation and President Xi Jinping of the People’s Republic of China held in Buenos Aires on November 30.

The three leaders exchanged views on expanding mutual cooperation in international forums, and to encourage greater interaction among the three countries. They agreed on the importance of reform and strengthening of multilateral institutions which have benefitted the world, including the United Nations, WTO and well-established as well as new global financial institutions. The leaders underscored the benefits of a multilateral trading system and an open world economy for global growth and prosperity.

The three leaders also agreed to have regular consultations at all levels to jointly promote international and regional peace and stability, to strengthen cooperation through BRICS, SCO and EAS mechanisms, to address global challenges such as terrorism and climate change, and to encourage peaceful resolution of all differences.

They acknowledged the importance of cooperation in RIC format and have agreed to hold further such trilateral meetings on multilateral occasions.

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