Washington: The Boeing E-7 Airborne Early Warning & Control (AEW&C) is a combat-proven force multiplier that provides unparalleled abilities to scan the skies, communicate with surface, ground and air assets and enable integration across the joint force.
In support of the US Air Force’s Operational Imperatives, the Department must field capabilities such as next-generation sensors and networked connectivity – all within the DoD budget and on a rapid timeline. The E-7 is the only available, persistent, command and control aircraft capable of meeting those needs.
Boeing’s E-7 is a combat-proven, affordable solution to meet the US Air Force’s near-term E-3 replacement needs while also addressing Operational Imperative capability requirements. As a derivative of the in-production Next-Generation 737 and in operation with the UK, Australia, Korea and Turkey, the E-7 can be fielded to provide the warfighter with a measurable operational advantage.
The E-7 is an integrated, flexible command and control node that leverages networked connectivity, edge processing capabilities and organic communications and sensor data generation to support significantly improved operational decision-making and resilient and efficient force employment.
Its next-generation, multi-domain capabilities are foundational to maintaining Air Superiority – providing accurate, timely and effective support.