Israeli Navy Successfully Uses IAI’s MF-STAR Radar for Locating, Intercepting Aerial Threat

Foreign Affairs

Tel Aviv, Israel. Using a radar manufactured by Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI), a world-class aerospace and defence company, which located an aerial threat, the Israel Navy was successfully able to intercept the threat. IAI’s MF-STAR radar, considered the ‘brain’ of the “Protective Dome” (Marine Iron Dome) air-defence system against seaborne threats and installed on “Saar 6” corvettes, located and classified the aerial threat, and directed the interceptor to enable a successful hit.


The MMR, Oranim and MF-Star radars manufactured by IAI’s ELTA Division are charged with target detection – this is the basis on which the ‘Iron Dome’, ‘Magic Wand’, ‘Lightning’, ‘Arrow 2’, and ‘Arrow 3’ air-defence systems operate.

Israel Aerospace Industries is a global pioneer in the development of a variety of advanced marine technologies, among them, the Sea Gabriel missile, and the BARAK MX missile defence system. IAI works in close cooperation with Israel’s defence establishment. Currently there is a tremendous mobilisation for the war effort, which applies the lessons learned from current fighting, enabling extraordinary results to be achieved, with immediate integration of technological solutions on the battlefield.

IAI’s naval concepts derive from a broad view of the challenges in the current battlefield, including the development of capabilities for the battlefield of the future, with the aim of upgrading those future capabilities and enabling optimal defense and attack in the naval arena.

Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) is a world-class aerospace and defence company innovating and delivering state-of-the-art technologies in space, air, land, naval, cyber and homeland security for defence and commercial markets. Combining the “Start-up Nation” spirit of innovation with decades of combat-proven experience, IAI provides customers with tailor-made, cutting-edge solutions to the unique challenges they face including satellites, UAVs, missiles, intelligence solutions, weapon systems, air defence systems, robotic systems, radars, business jets, aerostructures, and more.

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