New Delhi: Without any fanfare and kept virtually under wraps, India launched its third nuclear-powered submarine of the Arihant class on November 23 in Visakhapatnam, according to media reports.
The reports said that the submarine is of seven thousand tons, which is more than two other submarines built so far.
According to the Britain-based Jane’s Defense Weekly, the submarine is part of India’s move to give a befitting reply to the growing submarine power of China and Pakistan.
The report of the launch is based on satellite images. The magazine reported that this submarine, being called S4, has been moved from one place to another. This Submersible Ballistic Nuclear Submarine (SSBN) is the third submarine of the Arihant class. Earlier INS Arighat and INS Arihant have been launched.
The magazine said that the S4 submarine is slightly larger than its predecessor two other submarines and weighs 7,000 tonnes. INS Arihant is of 6000 tonnes. The S4 submarine is fitted with 8 missile launch tubes, while INS Arihant had 4 missile tubes. The report said that this S4 nuclear submarine can carry 8 K-4 Submarine Launched Ballistic Missile which has a stated range of 3500 km. At the same time, 24 K-15 missiles can be deployed on it.
India is currently developing the K-4 missile and it can be tested soon. After India’s missile and submarine are completely ready, the Indian Navy can target China and Pakistan from a great distance. It is being told that this missile has been made jointly by DRDO and Department of Atomic Energy.
According to media reports, Indian Navy and Russian scientists and technical staff have helped in making this submarine. India plans to induct four such SSBNs into the Navy. Not only this, India will have the option of two more nuclear powered submarines. It is being told that the nuclear reactor of the S4 submarine has also been improved further. According to a report, an 82.5 MW light water reactor has been installed in this submarine.