Indian Army Day Parade Lucknow 2024 1

Indian Army Day 2024

The theme for Indian Army Day 2024 is “In Service of the Nation.” This theme encapsulates the core essence of the Indian Army’s existence – to serve the nation with […]

Army Future Wars

Shaping The Army For Future Wars

“New conditions require, for solution … new and imaginative methods. Wars are never won in the past.” Gen Douglas MacArthur The evolving geopolitics, volatile security canvas, and the changing character […]

Subtle Dynamics

India’s Evolving Contours of Military Diplomacy

Subtle Dynamics: Military diplomacy has been a rather new phenomenon of reaching out to friends and partners through visits of senior military commanders, joint military exercises, joint training, port calls and […]

military space capabilities

Small Satellite, Mighty Potential

Space plays a crucial role in military operations, as evidenced by its utilisation in the Gulf Wars, US engagement in Afghanistan, and the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine. It […]

Swarm UAV in Indian

Swarm UAV in Indian Context

Smart War-Fighting Array of Reconfigured Modules or SWARM is enabled by the confluence of two interrelated technologies – artificial intelligence and machine learning. Multiple unmanned platforms with or without weapons […]


Developing a More Intelligent Force

The Indian Army is the pride of Bharat. Not only does this eminent institution protect the external frontiers of India but also undertakes a multitude of other activities such as […]

Making The Military Future-Ready

War and Warfare are fast outpacing the warfighter and his legacy tools. Contemporary wars have witnessed a tectonic shift in the goals of war, the rules of war, the players […]