Air Chief Dhanoa Reviews Ex Aviaindra 2018

Indian Air Force

Jodhpur. Chief of the Air Staff (CAS) Air Chief Marshal BS Dhanoa visited Air Force Station Jodhpur on December 19 to interact with the participating forces of ongoing Ex AVIAINDRA 2018 between Indian Air Force (IAF) and Russian Federation Aerospace Force (RFASF).


The CAS was received by Air Commodore Philip Thomas, Air Officer Commanding of Air Force Station Jodhpur.

The second edition of Ex AVIAINDRA is aimed at exposing RFASF and IAF pilots to single/multi aircraft missions in a Counter Terrorism Scenario within the predefined scope. The 30 member RFASF contingent comprises of fighter, transport and helicopter pilots.

The Air Chief was briefed in detail about various phases of the exercise and was apprised of its progress. Post briefing, Chief of the Air Staff visited the RFASF and IAF detachment, wherein he interacted with the personnel of both the Air Forces.

During the interaction, Chief of the Air Staff welcomed RFASF team and emphasised the importance of joint exercises, as they create an environment of camaraderie and provide an opportunity to learn from each other’s best practices.

big bang

He spoke about the long standing military partnership between RFASF and IAF and the common equipment that both the nations operate and complimented the efficacy of Russian equipment, as it has played a pivotal role during various IAF air campaigns.

Ex AVIAINDRA is a testimony of the Indo-Russian Military relationship and would enhance mutual cooperation and understanding between IAF and RFASF.
