SQUAD to Replace QUAD

SQUAD to Replace QUAD?

Apparently the latest American move could be described as an American move to thwart threat of a war over Taiwan and stepping up its regional defence diplomacy in a forceful […]

The Indo Pacific

Countering China in the Indo-Pacific

The Indo Pacific: As the US realigned its focus back to the emerging Chinese threats in Asia in 2018, it rechristened the region as Indo-Pacific. The name change was purposeful […]

Diplomacy in Sports

The rapid globalisation and increasing regional grouping like QUAD, AUKUS, I2U2, BRICS, SCO, SARC and BIMSTEC, diplomacy too is embracing new dimensions like digital, health, cultural, and most importantly, sports […]

India’s Dependence on Russia Must End

The Ukraine-Russia war may well be a watershed in international relations signalling the emergence of new paradigms and alignments in the world. Putin’s cold-blooded pursuit of aggression as a means […]

Outcomes of the Larger Hybrid War in Ukraine

Russia’s eastern offensive commenced on April 18, 2022. It has made very little headway. In over two weeks, Russia has been able to expand its area of control only marginally. […]