
Should India Take Back POK?

These days, the Indian media is making much noise over the “POK” statement of the former Chief of the Indian Army, General VK Singh, who is also a Union Minister. […]

Iron Bridge Akhnoor

Indo-Pak War 1965: Graveyard of Pattons

Pakistan launched Operation Grand Slam on 1 September 1965 and crossed the ceasefire line north of Chenab River between Pir Jamal village and Burejal spearheaded by 2 Armoured Regiments and […]

Pakistan – The Responsible State!

As a responsible state Pakistan will…, Grant consular access to Kulbushan Jadhav as per directions of ICJ. As a responsible state Pakistan will…, Arrest and keep Hafiz Sayeed in jail […]


Balakot Exposes Pakistan’s Nuke Bluff

EVER since Pakistan conducted the nuclear tests, it has been teasing India with the threat of using the nukes, just as madman would do. The strategic deterrence posture of Pakistan […]


The Post Balakot Review

Welcome home Wing Commander Abhinanadan. Well done. You flew into the Valley of Death and survived. India is proud. Sincere condolences to Air Marshal Waseem Ud Din on the loss […]