Russia Modernizing Defence Forces, Using Syria as Big Test Site for Its New and Advanced Weapons


Foreign Affairs
Vladimir Putin President of Russia with Bashar al-Assad President of Syria

“Syria has been used as a huge test site for Russian new weapons, and the West, mainly the US watched,” an Israeli expert told Raksha Anirveda.

According to the Russian Military Files website, 231 state-of-the-art weapons systems participated in military operations in Syria. The website said that “based on the experience gained, Russian engineers fixed faults during operational activities, and thus they are able to produce more advanced weapons.”

US intelligence agencies have closely followed the use of the new weapon systems in Syria.

This gave the Americans indications about the new directions in which the Russian defence industry is going as part of the big effort to modernize the Russian defence forces.

The Russians brought to Syria fighter aircraft, combat helicopters, weapon systems, radar systems, EW systems and more.
The use of some systems was felt in Israel.

For three weeks in 2019, Israel’s airspace has been experiencing interference with the GPS navigation, the Israeli experts pointed to a possible “spill over” caused by some of the powers involved in the war in Syria.

As a result of the GPS denial, changes were made in some of the entry procedures for landing in Israeli airport mainly by using other navigation systems.

Immediately after the severe disturbance was detected all the Israeli security and Cyber organizations have been busy trying to understand the reason for the situations.
As mentioned before there is no definite answer to the source of the disturbance but sources said that it was a “wake up” call for all the users of GPS.

-The writer is an Israel-based freelance journalist