Rostec Opens Russian Innovative Technologies Exhibition in Singapore

Defence Industry

THE expositionis organized on the basis of the Center for Overseas Promotion of Russian High-Tech Companies and the Presentation of investment projects. The Center was founded in December 2017 with the support of the Russian State Corporation Rostec and on the initiative of the Russian-Singapore Business Council. Products and technologies of about 20 Russian enterprises are being displayed at the exhibition.


The exhibition operates on the basis of the Center for Overseas Promotion of Russian High-Tech Companies and the Presentation of investment projects, located in one of the largest technoparksin Singapore “TechPlace II”.Due to the fact that it has the status of a technopark resident and is established on the basis of a Singapore company, the Center can use the entire infrastructure provided by the Singapore authorities to support high-tech projects.

“Singapore is Russia’s main economic partner in Southeast Asia. Our countries pay great attention to the development of high technologies and can be considered regional leaders in this direction,”said Deputy CEO of Rostec and Chairman of the Russian-Singapore Business Council NikolayVolobuev. “Rostec cooperates with Singapore and other countries of the region on a number of high-tech industries, and we intend to strengthen and develop this partnership.”

Within the exposition of Russian innovations advanced developments of Russian enterprises are being presented: from composite materials to optics and laser technology, from engineering projects to scaling systems for the detection and treatment of cancer.

The exhibition will last until September 21. Then a part of the exposition will be presented in the format of a permanent show room, and in November 2018 a larger exhibition of Russian High-Tech technologies will take place, which will be timed to coincide with the start of the East Asian Summit.

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