Rosoboronexport Aims to Expand Scopes of Technological Partnership on the World Market

Defence Industry

Moscow. Director General of the JSC Rosoboronexport (part of the Rostec State Corporation), Deputy Chairman of the Russian Engineering Union Alexander Mikheev held a session of the committee on development of foreign economic activities with relation to the military-purpose products.


The session with participation of Deputy Chairman of the Russian Engineering Union, Chairman of the Committee on Industry and Trade of the RF State Duma Vladimir Gutenev organized in the format of a video conference was focused on discussing the issues of transformation of the system of military and technical cooperation amid growing interest of the global market players to technological partnership.

“Lately Rosoboronexport has successfully implemented more than 10 major technological projects on joint manufacturing of products for various armed services, another 10 are being implemented now. The company plans to undertake promising projects in the Asian-Pacific Region, in the Middle East, in Africa, in Latin America and in the CIS countries”, – Alexander Mikheev said. – “According to our forecast, by 2030 technological projects will amount, all in all, to 40% of the world volume of the military products market, which is twice as much as the current indicators. To operate effectively in this rapidly growing segment Rosoboronexport is considering a transition to a new business model geared to cooperation with commercial enterprises.”

The main factor shifting the vector of military and technical cooperation towards technological partnership is the commitment by the majority of countries to industrial sovereignty and, consequently, legislative introduction of limitations on the import of final products.

One of the major challenges to Russian enterprises while operating in the technological partnership format may be the risk of manufacturing counterfeit products abroad, which, besides financial losses, seriously affects the image of the Russian defence industrial complex.

big bang

To minimize the damage caused by unlicensed production, Rosoboronexport is working closely with business partners, as well as state customers of Russian products abroad. Intellectual property cooperation agreements were concluded with the leading Russian defence holding companies. Provisions are made for bolstering legal rules to fight counterfeiting, including preventive patenting of intellectual property in order to legally prosecute illicit manufacturers.

Besides, Rosoboronexport proposes enhancing competencies in the sphere of innovative management, financial administration and intellectual assets control within the framework of personnel and educational projects of the Russian Engineering Union.


“Today a new image of Rosoboronexport is being created as a modern, business-oriented company open to transfer of technology. With this, development of competencies in the sphere of innovative and risk management, financial administration and corporate governance, deal structuring, intellectual assets control, as well as mastering the tools of business-oriented marketing will expectedly result in keeping the leading positions on the key markets of armament”, – Alexander Mikheev added.