MIL’s Export Order Book Positive, Stands Around Rs 4700 Crore

Defence Industry

(MIL)New Delhi: The exports order book of Defence PSU Munitions India Ltd (MIL) stands around Rs 4,700 crore. It has been sending explosives to at least seven countries in Europe, four in Africa, two in the Middle East and to the civilian market in the United State of America (USA), according to a media report which cited top state-owned company sources.

According to the media report, the total export orders basket includes Rs 2000 crore from European countries, Rs 1500 crore from African countries, and around Rs 400 crore from the Middle East countries. The state-owned explosives company is booked till financial year 2025 to supply these orders though it’s expecting more in the current financial year, including a repeat of March 2022 order for exports of small arms ammunition owing to positive feedback from the civil market in the USA. The bullets MIL is sending to America include 5.56 mm and 7.62 mm bores, prohibited in India but the public in the USA is allowed to use such weapons.


The MIL manufactures 300 different types of explosives, spread across a range of artillery shells, mortars and bullets, besides also supplying companies here and abroad fuse, and explosive fills like TNT, RDX and MMX which is of high melting intensity.