Israeli Air Force’s F-35 Successfully Intercepts Cruise Missiles Launched by Houthis

By Arie Egozi

Foreign Affairs

Tel Aviv: A very close cooperation between an Israeli Air Force (IAF) special mission aircraft and ground radars, enabled an F-35 fighter aircraft to intercept cruise missiles launched by the Houthis in Yemen towards Israel on October 31.


The Houthi rebels in Yemen launched two cruise missiles and a ballistic missiles towards Israel. The ballistic missile was intercepted by an Arrow system. The IDF later revealed that the cruise missiles were intercepted by an F-35 that killed the cruise missiles with an air to air missile.

The IAF is operating different types of special mission aircraft. The one used on October 31, is an Airborne Early Warning & Control (AEW&C) aircraft developed by Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI). All these special mission aircraft are operated by the Israeli Air Force’s “Nachshon” 122nd squadron.

The system are carried by a Gulfstream G-550 aircraft. The AEW&C aircraft is utilising AESA radar and IFF (Identification, Friend or Foe), SIGINT and Communication systems to generate and disseminate an Air and Maritime Situational Picture. It also contains an Air Battle Management and Strike Aircraft Guidance System.

The system was developed by ELTA, the electronic group of IAI. It is fitted with a dual band AESA radar providing complete 360° azimuthal coverage.

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