Elbit Systems Deutschland Selected by German Interior Ministry to Supply XACT nv33 Night Vision Goggles for German Federal Police


Defence Industry

Tel Aviv. Homeland security and especially anti-terror units are becoming a big potential market for Israeli companies. Technologies developed initially for armed forces are used now to answer the operational requirement of thee homeland security units.

Elbit Systems Deutschland was selected by the Procurement Office of the German Federal Ministry of the Interior, after a competitive tender procedure, to supply XACT nv33 Night Vision Goggles (NVGs) for the German Federal Police.

The Special Forces and Special Operation Units of the Federal Police are facing new threats and complex scenarios from organized crime and international terrorism. The XACT nv33 NVG will support the officers’ in the fight against crime across Germany, as they will be equipped with the ability to operate during the nights, which is an essential requirement.

This decision by the German Federal Police follows another satisfied German customer – the German Armed Forces – that are already using the XACT nv33 NVG in various missions. The XACT product family have already been selected by a number of undisclosed NATO countries among them Germany and the Netherlands, as well as the Israeli and the Australian Armed Forces.

The XACT nv33 is a lightweight binocular image intensifier that can be mounted on a wide variety of helmets and can be used head-mounted or hand-held. Its compact dimensions and its lightweight and the capability to use the system to drive a vehicle in absolute darkness will further increase the operational capabilities for federal officers and better align their readiness for future security requirements.

-The writer is an International Roving Correspondent of the publication