On 14 July 2023, Prime Minister Narendra Modi marked his special presence as the guest of honour at the majestic Bastille Day Parade in Paris. The parade commemorates the French Revolution and its foundational...
The road not taken
Since last few decades, the notion of national security has witnessed a paradigm shift from encompassing exclusive traditional military threats, diversifying into domains like biological& chemical warfare, cyber warfare, and other...
The Sour Past
Britain happens to occupy a larger portion of our colonial memory as compared to the Portuguese in Goa. However, Portugal was the first European country to establish a maritime route to India...
Maritime transport is the backbone of global trade. It underpins global supply chain linkages and economic interdependency, with shipping and ports estimated to constitute over 80 per cent of global merchandise trade. About 30...
Indigenisation of the defense sector is of crucial importance for any sovereign nation and it becomes even more crucial for a country like India with an expanding economy, a wide variety of security challenges,...
By far, the 21st century has been an age of black swans – From 9/11, the rise of China, the saga of Brexit, the election of Donald Trump, American nationalism, the Coronavirus pandemic, and what...
Great historical progress always happens after major disasters. I believe it’s a high time we start taking these words by President Xi Jinping seriously.
It’s been more than a year since the Coronavirus outbreak which...
‘Never retreat, never explain, get it done and let them howl’- Benjamin Jowett
Dragon seems to follow this in words and deeds. It has been more than 8 months since the deadly Galwan clash, but...
‘He who controls heartland, control the entire world,’ comments Halford Mackinder. This claim legitimises the Great Game 3.0 unfolding in Eurasia. Central Asia sits at its heart. The five states comprising the Central Asian...