Zurich. The navigation receivers from RUAG Space determine the current position of the satellite with an accuracy of just a few centimetres. Only in this way is a highly precise evaluation of the measurement data recorded by the instruments on board a satellite possible. Six Sentinel environmental monitoring satellites of the European earth observation programme Copernicus are already using RUAG Space navigation receivers to determine their current position in space with high precision.
The next eight Sentinel satellites will also be equipped with a total of 16 space-compatible receivers from RUAG Space. “We are the global market leader for navigation receivers” stresses Mats Warstedt, SVP Electronics, RUAG Space. The first two receivers for Sentinel satellites have already been delivered. The other 14 will be gradually delivered by summer 2019.
Sentinel is part of the Copernicus satellite fleet
The EU Sentinel satellites (managed by the European Commission, developed under the aegis of the European Space Agency) are part of the Copernicus satellite fleet, which is to establish an environmental monitoring program by 2030 with 20 satellites at the end of the year that is unique in quality and quantity worldwide.
RUAG Space: leading supplier to the space industry
RUAG Space is the leading supplier to the space industry in Europe, with a growing presence in the United States. With more than 1,400 staff across six countries, it develops and manufactures products for satellites and launch vehicles – playing a key role both in the institutional and commercial space market. RUAG Space is a division of the international technology Group RUAG.