
Bridging the Gap

In recent global conflicts, revolutionary technologies such as swarms of drones, loiter munitions, AIML, and mixed reality have emerged, challenging conventional systems with their enhanced efficiency, agility, and security in […]

India third highest military spender

India Has Miles to Go in 2024

India today is the third highest military spender ($76.6 billion in 2022), after the US and China. It accounts for 3.7% of global military spending, and also has the second […]

Steady Strides in Defence Aspirations

The Indian defence industry ecosystem is buzzing with optimism. Stocks of defence companies are soaring with record price-to-earnings ratios, while venture funds and angel investors are vigorously hunting for defence […]

Battling Amorphous Adversaries

The ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict has unfolded as a pivotal turning point in multiple aspects. At the forefront of this transformation is the notable utilisation of electronic-centric dual-use technologies (ECDUT) by […]