
Orchestrating the Theatre of War

According to a Press Information Bureau (PIB) release on June 18, a ‘Chintan Shivir,’ organised by the Ministry of Defence (ministry), deliberated upon various issues such as national security, cyber […]

An Approach to the Af-Pak Region

The Af-Pak region has come into focus with the US-Taliban Deal. It is the start to the impending reduction and eventual exit of US forces from the region. This deal […]

Military Lessons from a Stalemate

The US-Iran Spat in Brief On December 31, 2019, supporters of Iran backed militia attacked the US embassy in Baghdad. It was in retaliation to an US airstrike on a […]

War Waging Ways

The targeted killing of Maj Gen Soleimani through a drone attack has set the social media abuzz. However, this comment by one veteran was reflective of our situation. “See the […]