July 26, 2024, marks the 25th anniversary of the Kargil War. This day, known as Kargil Vijay Diwas, is commemorated to honour the brave Indian soldiers who fought tooth and nail and sacrificed their...
In an era where global conflicts are increasingly complex, the battlefield is witnessing a paradigm shift. Disruptive new-age technologies, including drone swarms, anti-drone systems, and AI, are redefining conventional warfare. For India, this shift...
New Delhi: The appointment of Lt Gen Upendra Dwivedi as the next Chief of the Army Staff was announced by the government on June 11. He will assume office on June 30, 2024. Currently...
New Delhi: Lieutenant General Upendra Dwivedi on February 19 assumed charge as the Vice Chief of Army Staff, succeeding Lieutenant General MV Suchindra Kumar. Lt Gen Dwivedi, prior to taking over as Vice Chief...
The tools, methods and perceptions of war may have changed, but war itself has not changed. As UK-based strategist and author Colin Gray says, “Some confused theorists would have us believe that war can...