Ravi Srivastava

-The writer has varied experience in the security paradigm and is a keen follower of global geopolitics. His work has been regularly featured in national publications. Visit newsanalytics.in to access more articles from the author. The views expressed are of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views of Raksha Anirveda

Kashmiri Pandits: Time to Bring Them Home

Before independence, the princely state of Jammu & Kashmir had to reluctantly give up the idea of staying independent, primarily because of massive polarisation between the newly-born states of India and Pakistan. The only...

Europe’s Momentous Struggle!

Imperial Hangover Unlike the popular myth Europe was never a leading example of democracy; it consisted of large number of monarchies like Sweden, Denmark, Britain which totalled to 12 at the last count. It’s home...
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