Ravi Srivastava

Indian Navy: Surging in the Blue Waters

  Glorious Legacy: The Indian Navy traces its glorious legacy to the 17th century when the great Maratha warrior Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj raised Maratha Navy as the naval wing of his armed forces, which first participated...

Calling China’s Taiwan Bluff

  One China Policy China found its independence during an intense era of socialism, led by Chiang Kai-shek of Kuomintang (KMT). The struggle for independence against Japan was brutal with stigmatised costs on the social fabric. Japan as an imperial...

Ensuring Swift Reprisal

On 22nd August the Defense Acquisition Council, government’s highest decision making body on defense procurements granted emergency powers to armed forces for procurement of essential weapons and equipment. This provision has been in place...

NATO: An Answer To No One!

Fear of The Union In 1945 as World War 2 drew curtains, it left countries with massive destruction. More than 35 million dead in Europe alone; those who survived the carnage were forced to live...

Pakistan in a Chaotic Freefall

Current Upheaval In recent times Pakistan has been in the news for all the wrong reasons. It’s not that previously it has showcased some path-breaking achievements, but it was never as bad. They are simply...

Ukraine War: India’s Successful Navigation Through Geo-Strategic Turbulence

The Manifestation The Russian decision to undertake a full-fledged military action against Ukraine surprised many by its sheer audacity. The threat appeared very real to everyone but no one actually believed it would be anything...

India @75 Marking Its Global Presence

Challenging Times A look at the history of India in last 500 years gives a sense of gloom with multiple invasions, religious oppressions, colonial plunder and a largely deprived society. It makes a rather depressing...

India’s New-Age Diplomacy: A Pragmatic Approach

Western Chaos The famous hypnotherapist Milton Erickson once said, “Confusion always precedes Enlightenment.” The recent diplomatic circus on display post-Ukraine crisis aptly amplifies the axiom. The barrage of statements and sanctions from the US and European...

The Disruptive Rise of China

Not Just Another Country China has a land mass of approximately 5200 km from east to west and 5500 km from north to south. It shares its land border with 14 countries, which is next...

Why QUAD Has Rattled China?

Free Run China turned a page in its historical evolution in the 1980s when a socialist-communist country started opening up to take a capitalist avatar. The progress that followed was brisk and awesome. Development and...

Kashmiri Pandits: Time to Bring Them Home

Before independence, the princely state of Jammu & Kashmir had to reluctantly give up the idea of staying independent, primarily because of massive polarisation between the newly-born states of India and Pakistan. The only...

Europe’s Momentous Struggle!

Imperial Hangover Unlike the popular myth Europe was never a leading example of democracy; it consisted of large number of monarchies like Sweden, Denmark, Britain which totalled to 12 at the last count. It’s home...