Ravi Srivastava

India in a Different League!

Act and Intent: India has a very challenging history and geography. The geography gave it a strategic placement in South Asia with the natural advantage of looking towards the Indian and Pacific Oceans from the...

Fixing the Ruthless Dragon

  Over the last thirty years, China has undergone an incredible transformation. For most of this period, the country adopted a relatively quiet and relaxed stance on the global stage. This approach allowed China to...

Threats of Election Manipulation Spooks Democracies

Disinformation Empire: The boom in technology, especially in AI with sophisticated tools such as voice cloning, adaptive imaging, and generative videos, has considerably eased out routine activities while also making them a lot more vulnerable...

The Rise of Aerial Avengers

Since the Israeli UAVs inflicted significant damage on the Syrian Air Force in 1982, the concept of battlefield utilisation of unmanned remotely operated flying machines has undergone significant evolution. From its modest beginnings in...

Israel’s Gaza War Turning Downhill?

Serious Concerns: When the Israeli drones struck the World Central Kitchen (WCK) food cars in Deir al-Balah in central Gaza, the destruction proved an extreme low for Israel’s campaign. It wasn’t the first or isolated...

Countering China in the Indo-Pacific

The Indo Pacific: As the US realigned its focus back to the emerging Chinese threats in Asia in 2018, it rechristened the region as Indo-Pacific. The name change was purposeful to indicate a seamless...

The Munich Security Conference 2024: Addressing Misplaced Agenda

Significance & Perspective: The 60th Munich Security Conference (MSC) culminated on 18th February 2024 at a private venue in Munich. The two-day conference was attended by global marquee figures, including the US Vice President and...

China On Yet Another Collision Course

The Dispute: On December 10 last year, China’s coast guard ship collided with a naval boat of the Philippines sailing on a resupply mission to the Second Thomas Shoal in the Spratly Islands. The Philippines said China...

India’s Evolving Contours of Military Diplomacy

  Subtle Dynamics: Military diplomacy has been a rather new phenomenon of reaching out to friends and partners through visits of senior military commanders, joint military exercises, joint training, port calls and at times offering high-end...

Is Machine Supremacy Approaching Faster Than Expected?

  Incredibly Unbelievable: Last week in St Petersburg, when Putin ‘the interviewer’ appeared on a life-size screen in the hall and asked Putin ‘the Guest’ about his thoughts on Artificial Intelligence (AI), the audiences were seen...

China Steps Up Disinformation Campaign As Taiwan Prepares For Polls

  Taiwan Election: As Taiwan inches closer to electing its next president there has been a marked increase in the Chinese cyber spoofing and disinformation campaign. Less than a month from now, on 13th January...

Indian Navy as Indo-Pacific’s Security Fulcrum

  Regional Complexity: In 2018, the United States realigned its focus back to the emerging Chinese threats in Asia and rechristened the region as Indo-Pacific. The name change was purposeful to indicate a seamless connection between...

Xi’s United States Sojourn Unlikely To Mend Trust Deficit

  High On Optics: An extended travel plan for President Xi in the US finally culminated on November 18. Since his arrival on November 14 at San Francisco, Xi went around some of the landmark places...