Quantum based computers, over the past few years, have moved from the realm of fiction into the real world. A number of research institutions across the world, including the likes of IBM, Google and many Chinese agencies, are already testing and enhancing the capability of these superfast systems. These developments, in the very near future, are expected to be capable of breaking most of the data encryption algorithms, currently in use.
The advent of Quantum Computing will impact and have serious implications on all government agencies, private enterprises, security and defense organizations etc., where security of data during communication and at rest are crucial to operations and their survival. Hacking of systems that today seem improbable, will soon become a reality. Data used for controlling major systems like power generation and distribution, water supply, communication, railways, banking etc., shall be liable to be hacked or taken out, leading to unfathomable consequences. Indian Defense and security agencies make use of multiple forms of data communications (Terrestrial, Wireless, Satcom) for their day-to-day operations. Any disruption in these too would lead to catastrophic consequences.
The only way to counteract these challenges and ensure fail proof continuity of operations of such systems, will necessitate the use of Quantum based data communication and security systems. These systems would be required for providing security against eavesdropping, hacking and service denial, for the foreseeable future. The Quantum Random Number Generator (QRNG), Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) systems and Post Quantum Cryptography (PQC) are the key elements that can help achieve the above objectives, even when Quantum Computers are used for hacking.
China today has established a 4600 kms long communication backbone that uses QKDs which are both terrestrial as well as satellite borne. This is the longest known communication backbone in operation worldwide, as per the published media. This is a significant development, considering that the QKDs do present limitations in terms of the distance over which the physical Quantum particles can be transmitted. The quality of the fiber used, is another factor that impacts the distance over which the keys can be transmitted. It is believed that China has used special low loss fiber for implementing their complete network.
QuNu Labs (also referred to as QNu Labs), as India’s leading company in the Quantum-safe cryptography products and solutions domain, has indigenously developed QRNG, QKD and the PQC systems, over the past couple of years. This has resulted in a number of IPRs being filed and granted. The products and solutions developed make use of innovative solutions evolved, in-house.
The QKD and QRNG systems, not only meet all NIST specified tests, but also comply with other international standards. These systems have undergone extensive tests over the years, including third party and environmental testing, by reputed government agencies. Consequently, these products have matured to a level where they are today available to prospective customers through the GeM portal.
At QNu Labs, there is an ongoing endeavor to continuously enhance the performance of the systems developed. The innovative solutions deployed for achieving this goal, have led to several new use-cases being generated, that address requirements of both defence and enterprise customers. A number of these use-cases are currently undergoing testing by various agencies, including those within the government (defense and other agencies) and in the private sectors.
The QRNG and QKD systems, developed by QNu Labs have also been in use, both in the government and in the private sectors, for some time. QNu Labs helped Indian Army set up a state-of-the-art Quantum Lab at MCTE to train Army officers in this new technology. QNu Labs is also working with different defence entities to pilot and deploy secure communication solutions and advanced trials are on.
The QKD trials during 2020-21, were conducted using the existing Army infrastructure, deployed in the field. These had validated the QKD performance over 100+ Kms. Ongoing attempts since, have constantly aimed for further extending the distance, over which the Quantum secured keys could be distributed.
The QKD trials during 2020-21, were conducted using the existing Army infrastructure, deployed in the field. These had validated the QKD performance over 100+ Kms. Ongoing attempts since, have constantly aimed for further extending the distance, over which the Quantum secured keys could be distributed Â
QNu Labs has now evolved a solution that no longer imposes restrictions on the distance over which the secure keys can be transmitted. The trials for the same are scheduled shortly. This is an extremely significant achievement for the country. This opens up unprecedented opportunities for deploying these systems with defence and other governmental agencies, over any distance that may be specified, by the end user.
A use case that can now be visualized, is that of using this solution for setting up the complete ‘Defense Communication Backbone’ for all the three services, for achieving un-hackable, Quantum safe communication and data security. While ensuring data security, this also helps optimize the costs involved in deploying these solutions.
It is pertinent to mention that the above accomplishments could not have been possible without support from the Indian Army authorities including the ADB and the Corp of Signals and the Indian Navy. These agencies not only provided the live facilities for conducting trials, but also shared valuable feedback, that helped QNu Labs evolve multiple path-breaking solutions.
At QNu Labs, we are proud to be a partner to the government’s Atmanirbhar initiative for developing and producing world class products and solutions, indigenously. This is a major step in India becoming self-reliant in the domain of Quantum cryptography.
–The writer is a veteran Electrical Officer, having served the Indian Navy for over 23 years. He has worked in the IT industry for 15 years, including heading operations for the company in Europe and as a Consultant guided the senior leadership of diverse companies. He currently heads the Defense Business Unit at QNu Labs