Milan: Ukrainian and Russian forces are scrambling to field countermeasures for protecting tanks against one-way attack drones, which experts say are a growing challenge even for vehicles traveling at speed. In the large category...
Tel Aviv: While the Russian defence industry is busy supplying the needed hardware for the war in Ukraine, Iran is developing new systems that will also find their way to the Russian armed forces....
Russia’s eastern offensive commenced on April 18, 2022. It has made very little headway. In over two weeks, Russia has been able to expand its area of control only marginally. It has carried out...
On April 26, 2022, India took a position opposing the adoption of the resolution on standing mandate for the General Assembly (GA) meeting in case of use of ‘veto’ by the UNGA.
The resolution text...
WAR SCAN: Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has led to the most important clash in decades between Moscow and the West. Russia began its invasion on February 24 thinking of creating shock and awe with its...
Clausewitz in his classic treatise ‘On War’ had stated that ‘war is continuation of politics by other means’. Mao has also famously stated that ‘War is politics with bloodshed and politics is war without bloodshed’. A common...