Tel Aviv: The fast developing relations between Russia and Iran has started affecting the Russian actions on the border between Syria and Israel which is now one of the more tense areas in the region, as a result of the war between Israel and the Iranian proxies in Lebanon and Gaza.
Israeli forces last week spotted, a Russian helicopter hovering close to the Syrian – Israeli border. After circling the area for a few minutes, the Russian helicopter headed back east, far into Syria. The IDF forces and the nearby air defence batteries received alerts from the Israel Air Force, which was tracking the helicopter. Nevertheless, no additional action was required because the helicopter stayed in Syrian territory close to the Golan Heights and did not cross the border.
The Russians recently expressed its “dissatisfaction” from the Israeli frequent attacks on Iranian related targets in Syria, mainly shipments of Iranian made weapons on their way to the Hezbollah in Lebanon. This Israeli activity has been going on for years with a silent Russian consent.
Israeli sources say that the close relations between Moscow and Tehran based on the supply of Iranian made UAVs to the Russian forces fighting in Ukraine has changed the equation.
“Tehran is without any doubt putting pressure on Russia to restrain Israel from acting against targets in Syria. So far there is no change in the Russian attitude, but there are signs that something is happening,” one source said.
The Russian policy so far of allowing Israel to operate freely in the Syrian airspace, is the reason why Jerusalem refused to supply advanced air defence systems to Ukraine.