New Delhi: The Indian Army conducted the week long annual Eastern Command Anti-Tank Guided Missile (ATGM) field firing at Teesta Field Firing Range in West Bengal from February 20-28.
The exercise, conducted under the aegis of Trishakti Corps, focused on tactical scenarios where tanks are crucial. It included firing from various vehicles, including indigenous light strike vehicles, and by ground-based detachments. Engagement of targets by detachments inserted by helicopters was also practiced. More than 1500 personnel from various units of the Infantry and Mechanised Infantry Battalion participated in the command-level training exercise. The firing saw more than 260 missiles being fired to achieve the target of One Missile and Tank, according to the defence release.
The firing was witnessed by the GOC, Trishakti Corps. He applauded the troops for their professional excellence and operational readiness and exhorted them to gain excellence in this important weapon, the release said.